Top 5 Etsy SEO Tools


eRank is one of the best Etsy SEO tools on the market, boasting an affordable price and offering plenty of valuable data. The Interesting Info about All in One SEO Basic.

Search volume data can also help identify possible niche markets to target with your listing.

Keyword Tool Dominator

Standing out among over 5.9 million listings can be challenging on Etsy, but SEO tools are available to you to increase search visibility and sales. They can assist with optimizing listings, finding trending keywords, recognizing product opportunities, and offering competitor analyses as well as sales estimations.

Marmalead, eRank, and Sale Samurai are three of the most widely used Etsy SEO tools. Each provides its own set of features to enhance listing optimisation – Marmalead provides keyword research capabilities which enable users to identify relevant search terms while measuring demand versus competition; plus its price is affordable while its user interface makes for a hassle-free experience.


EtsyHunt is an Etsy keyword tool designed to increase shop visibility and optimization, offering features suitable for both newcomers and seasoned sellers alike. These include keyword research, listing optimization and competitive analysis as well as strategies for choosing appropriate tags for products.

User-friendly listings optimization tool with affordable pricing for small businesses. Monitoring competitor listings provides valuable insight for increasing Etsy search visibility, while keyword tracking keeps an eye on keyword trends, which is essential for increasing search engine visibility. Its competitor database keeps tabs on shops’ best-selling items, sales trends, and most popular listing tags to maximize and enhance Etsy search visibility. Discover the best info about Rank Booster.


eRank is an Etsy keyword tool with various features to assist sellers in optimizing their listings for search and gaining valuable insight into competitor listings. The tool’s goal is to make it easier for buyers to locate your products and increase sales.

eRank website is a secure platform that uses cutting-edge technologies to protect users’ data. Security specialists review it frequently in order to detect vulnerabilities and potential risks.

eRank analyzes keywords used by shoppers searching Etsy items and displays this data in various formats, as well as providing trend insights to help identify opportunities for growth in your business. While it offers free versions, premium plans provide deeper data analysis on competitors’ tags and listing details. Find the best Monthly SEO.


Marmalead is an Etsy SEO tool that can assist with listing improvement by offering multiple features. Its listing analysis tool provides vital insight into engagement, competition, and category page placement for every keyword analyzed; additional tools include a tag generator and search comparison feature to assist in keyword discovery for listings; similar offerings exist from EtsyHunt and eRank, which also offer these analysis tools.

Marmalead stands apart from other SEO tools by providing accurate data to help sellers optimize their listings and gain a competitive edge. Its actual letter grades provide scores for each of your listings, helping identify areas for improvement as well as uncover which keywords genuine buyers are using to discover listings similar to yours – essential information that maximizes visibility and sales.


Ubersuggest is an Etsy SEO tool that makes life easy by suggesting keywords relevant to your products based on Google search data. Plus, it comes with free trial access and cost-effective prices.

Keep in mind that effective SEO strategies take time to produce results; however, when properly implemented, they can boost Etsy’s search visibility and traffic. With the aid of tools such as optimization services for titles, tags, descriptions and listings to increase customer discoverability as well as identify errors to fix in listings; your visibility and sales should increase dramatically as a result of successful implementation of an effective SEO strategy.

Keywords Everywhere

Etsy Search Engine Tool offers many features, including tracking keywords and their occurrences; listing substitution and reinstatement with just a mouse click; as well as helping analyze listings to detect SEO issues like short product descriptions or missing images that need fixing.

Keywords Everywhere is a browser extension available on Chrome and Firefox that offers accessible insights into keyword research. It displays monthly search volume, clicks, and competition information directly on the results page for quick reference.

Other Etsy SEO tools include eRank, Marmalead and Sale Samurai – these tools can assist in finding the best keywords to boost the visibility and sales on Etsy.

Sale Samurai

Sale Samurai is an Etsy seller-centric tool designed to optimize listings and increase sales. It provides sellers with access to data such as search volume behind keywords, competition levels, real-time research capabilities during listing creation sessions, and download capabilities at any time – all within Etsy itself! Using its Chrome extension, users can access this wealth of insights quickly without leaving Etsy! Plus, it can even provide real-time research capabilities while working on listings!

By using this tool, you can see which keywords and tags are driving sales for competitors, uncover new product ideas, and improve existing listings. Furthermore, this Listing Creator mimics Etsy’s product upload feature while offering one crucial advantage – telling you where improvements should be made before being published!