Save Nature – 1st Prize Fancy Dress Ideas on Save Nature


3. Save the Whales

Blue Planet programs have made us more aware of the damage our oceans are suffering due to climate change and pollution. But it can be easy to forget about sea creatures living beneath the waves; by raising funds for whale research organizations, you can help bring their struggle into public awareness and inspire others to take action.

One way of doing this is hosting a party, movie night, or dance and soliciting donations towards your chosen charity. Another approach would be sponsoring whales through organizations such as WWF, PacWhale, or Oceana. Finally, whale conservation can also be helped through purchasing sustainable seafood or altogether avoiding it, donating to charities fighting for whale conservation, and encouraging your community to support these causes as well.

Outside of whaling, climate change and plastic pollution pose the greatest threat to whales and their environments. Yet you can make an impactful statement about your support by switching to reusable plastic water bottles, shopping locally, and using recycled clothing products.

4. Save the Rainforest

Rainforests are home to millions of plant and animal species – many that remain to be discovered! Their ecological benefits are numerous: carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere is counteracted with oxygen release while providing essential ecosystem services and renewable resources.

Unfortunately, humans pose an immediate and existential threat to rainforests worldwide. Their destruction can have far-reaching repercussions that include species extinction, biodiversity loss, habitat fragmentation, erosion, and loss of essential ecosystem services.

There are amazing people out there doing fantastic work to save rainforests. One such person is Jelly Green from Ipswich in the UK, who used her art exhibition profits to purchase a plot of rainforest in Brazil using local conservationists as her partners to look after it.

Sharing facts about rainforests with friends and family is another effective way of contributing. Raising awareness helps put pressure on governments and companies that commit to solving the deforestation crisis. You could also organize fundraising events such as an art show, poetry slam, bake sale, run or concert to benefit organisations like Rainforest Foundation US.

Asking parents to purchase products that do not contribute to deforestation can also help. Look out for products with palm oil and select meat and dairy produced responsibly if possible; consider adopting an animal through wildlife charities! Additionally, social media allows us to spread important rainforest-related news. By sharing content from Rainforest Foundation US or other credible organizations like them, you can help raise awareness and push for increased action taken towards protecting rainforests.