Putting an end to Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes


Many parents of children diagnosed with terminal illnesses often ask, “Why did God take my little child?” in the YouTube videos I’ve seen regarding their children’s deaths. My research into this issue has led me to some highly disheartening conclusions.

From what I’ve seen, God has given man treatments for numerous ailments, but because of his greed, man would rather keep the remedy secret and make a lot of money from drugs designed to keep them wealthy while their loved ones die slowly. According to God, every person is born sinful and inclined toward evil. Nothing could be worse than this, at least in my mind.

I keep hearing about how much better off we are now than 50 years ago, thanks to the great strides made in medicine. While I agree that traumatic medicine has advanced, I wonder what became of the rest of the industry.

As far as I know, polio was the last disease eradicated in 1953. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but that happened 65 years ago! After sixty-five years, what progress has been made in the medical field? In my opinion, modern medicine is less concerned with curing patients than making a profit off of expensive pharmaceuticals.

My wife was diagnosed with fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes, hypothyroidism, hypertension, and depression back in 2001. My wife has been taking no less than twelve medications prescribed by medical experts over the past sixteen years. Over $3,000 was spent monthly, or $36,000 annually, on these prescriptions by the insurance company.

For her type 2 diabetes, she required daily injections of two different kinds of insulin and three different tablets. For her hypothyroidism, she took one medication daily; for her depression, she took three; and for her hypertension, she took three more.

Every time we went to the doctor, we came home with a new member of the drug family. Since my wife’s health had not improved despite our many visits to the doctor over 16 years, I decided to investigate the issue independently.

I accompanied my wife the following time she needed medical attention. When my wife started having health problems, I went to the source and asked the doctor what had been done to treat her fatty liver. Her doctor informed me no miracle drug could cure her fatty liver. I began there since her fatty liver seemed to be the root of all her health issues.

Despite what I’ve heard, some highly educated people teach medicine for free on the internet, so long as you “consider the source.” I attended a talk by Robert H. Lustig, MD, a professor in the endocrinology department at UC San Francisco. The title of the show I listened to was “Sugar the Bitter Truth.” Apple cider vinegar, he said near the end of his talk, can help remove fat from the liver.

Twice a day, before breakfast and before bed, we drank eight ounces of water with one tablespoon of Braggs Organic apple cider vinegar added. Since she has been suffering from this ailment for over sixteen years, I anticipated it would take some time to dissolve the fat from her liver. About three months in, she began to lose weight and reported increased vitality.

My wife lost 153 to 118 pounds weight while using apple cider vinegar in just over a year. We revisited her physician and arranged for additional lab work. After our conversation, I inquired about her liver test results, and the doctor reassured us that her blood work had returned to normal and that she no longer had a fatty liver.

Now that her liver function is normal, my wife and I have begun researching treatments for her type 2 diabetes. Dr. Jason Fung, a physician, is a YouTube sensation. Dr. Fung received his medical degree from the University of Toronto and worked at Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles.

I listened to all of Dr. Fung’s YouTube shows that I could find. Dr. Fung claims that the conventional medical community incorrectly treats people with type 2 diabetes. He compared curing a diabetic with insulin to curing an alcoholic with alcohol. He added that the more insulin you consume, the less likely your body will burn fat. Dr. Fung also argues that dietary changes are all that is needed to treat diabetes.

My wife started Dr. Fung’s low-carb, high-fat diet on July 7, 2018. She stopped taking her diabetic medicines after about five weeks and eventually stopped injecting the two types of insulin she had been using daily. (Lisinopril, Invokana, and Januvia).

We checked her blood sugar thrice daily at the start of her low-carb, high-fat diet. If her blood sugar was around 150, we considered that a good result. We saw her sugar levels significantly decrease while she was on this regimen. When her blood sugar levels reached 130, she would skip a dose of her medication. She would stop taking one of her pills if her blood sugar hovered around 120.

My wife stopped using her diabetes medications after just over three months. Dr. Fung believes it takes longer to be entirely off diabetes medication the longer you’ve had diabetes. For nearly sixteen years, my wife suffered from diabetes.

Her three blood pressure pills were unnecessary once she lost weight. Her BP hovers around 110/70 all the time. Her hypothyroidism medicine is no longer necessary now that she is off insulin. In sum, I recommend that anyone you know who is struggling with type 2 diabetes search for “Dr. Jason Fung” on YouTube and adhere to his recommendations.

Also, if you know somebody who is overweight and has tried everything to lose weight without success, inform them that their fatty liver may be to blame. Food corporations would have you believe that high fat intake is to blame. No way! The real reason for being overweight is overeating sugar.

According to Dr. Fung, your metabolism can use sugar or fat as fuel. This is the key to the success of the high-fat, low-carb diet. When sugar is removed from the diet, the body turns to fat for energy.

This is how Dr. Lustig of “Sugar: The Bitter Truth” describes it. When you eat anything sweet, your liver diverts its attention away from digesting the food and instead processes the sugar. After that, your liver ceases digestion and converts the meal into fat.

Cancer-causing properties of sugar are well established. In a study conducted in 1968, mice were fed a diet composed entirely of sugar. The cancer spread to more than 50% of the mice. The results of that study were promptly covered up. Simply searching “Does sugar cause cancer” on Google will bring up this study.

What I’ve said here works, and it’s the truth, so I hope anyone who needs it uses it and keeps going.

My wife’s depression is the next issue we need to address medically. She is now on three meds. I’ll report back to you on the outcome.

See “The Functions of Our New Spiritual Bodies,” “A Cancer Story,” “How to Find God,” and “The Holy Spirit” for further reading. See this site for answers to such questions as “Why Didn’t God Help the Jews during the Holocaust?” and “What Will Heaven Be Like?”

Read also: https://livbulletin.com/category/health/