Kneo Mokgopa on KNEO Sports


Kneo Mokgopa is a writer and public speaker on issues of identity in South Africa. Their work has appeared in Daily Maverick, The Sunday Times, and Amandla! Magazine and will soon appear in the 2020 CAPS Life Orientation textbook. Based out of Cape Town with their wife and son, they are currently studying rhetoric at UCT for a Masters in Rhetoric Studies degree.


Basketball is a team sport in which players shoot baskets into an enclosed basket known as a hoop. The ball used in this sport may be composed of leather, rubber, or synthetic composite materials; its rules largely mirror those of football and soccer, with the additional law stating each player can only take one shot per turn; additionally, they may perform tricks with their ball such as spinning it on their fingertip or dribbling through intricate patterns. KNEO also broadcasts local small school sports games, graduation ceremonies, graduation celebrations, music concert events from area small schools, and music concerts from local schools.


Soccer is a team sport played on an arena known as a pitch, which measures approximately 110-120 yards in length and 70-80 yards wide. Games generally last 90 minutes, with each half lasting 45 minutes; goals should be scored without using your hands, with the team scoring the most goals winning their respective matchup.

Preparing to play soccer requires numerous stretching exercises. One of the most essential is stretching the calf muscle and Achilles tendon; to do this effectively, stand near a wall with one knee bent until your heel touches the ground.


Baseball is a team sport played with bat and ball between two teams of nine players on an oval-shaped field resembling a diamond, where each side takes turns hitting the ball so as to create complete circuits around four bases without being put out. Baseball is widely considered America’s national pastime and one of the world’s most beloved sports; KNEO broadcasts small-school basketball, football, baseball, softball, and soccer games in Webb City, Seneca Neosho, and McDonald County.


Softball is a team sport requiring nine players per side. All participants wear gloves, helmets, and uniforms; play takes place on an outdoor field with foul territory on both baselines. The ball itself consists of lightweight material covered by leather or synthetic fabric that measures 10-12 inches in circumference – additional equipment needed includes a catcher’s mitt, chest protector cleats, and sliding shorts as essential pieces of gear.

William L. Rober, a Chicago firefighter, invented softball in 1887. Rober constructed a small baseball-style field at his fire station that featured a pitcher’s mound located 35 feet from home plate and used medicine balls as bats; soon, fire departments from all across America were playing this exciting new sport! For years after its creation, it went under various names until Walter Hankanson from the YMCA coined its current moniker of “softball.”

Softball teams may comprise nine to eleven players, depending on the variety. Gameplay typically spans seven innings, and teams alternate between batting and fielding; each inning is divided into two sections known as top and bottom innings; away teams bat first while home teams field last. A typical pitching style for softball is an underhand windmill motion; however, there are versions with an extra first base to lessen the impact on older runners’ knees.