How to Make Dry Fruit Lassi


Lassi is an easy and delicious thirst-quencher perfect for hot summer days. This drink offers nutritional benefits while quenching thirst!

It’s an elegant blend of yogurt and luscious dry fruits – an authentic Punjabi recipe that is very straightforward.


On a hot summer day, nothing beats sipping on a chilled glass of lassi for refreshing enjoyment! This refreshing beverage combines cooling yogurt and rich dry fruits into one delicious beverage, an ideal option to quench your thirst on hot days! Additionally, its recipe makes this a straightforward and healthy drink to serve to the whole family – or customize its ingredients depending on the season or occasion!

Lassi is a delicious north Indian yogurt drink created by mixing curd or yogurt with water or milk, sugar or salt, spices such as green cardamom or saffron, and water or milk. Homemade curd is typically best for making Lassi; store-bought versions may differ in taste.

There are various varieties of lassi, with sweet and salty being the most popular versions in Punjab and northern India, but curry-flavored lassi are also quite renowned in these parts. Lassi has many health benefits, as it contains probiotic bacteria that aid digestion while providing essential vitamins and minerals.

To create sweet lassi, start with freshly set and chilled curd. Blend this along with two tablespoons of rooh afza (rose syrup). Adjust sugar according to taste, as this product already contains some. Finally, blend until everything has become smooth and frothy before pouring lassi into tall glasses for serving.

For a savory or curry lassi, lightly roast jeera/cumin seeds over low heat until aromatic and cool completely before grinding them into powder with a spice grinder. Stir this powder into whisked curd with half a teaspoon black salt or Himalayan salt and 1/2 teaspoon roasted cumin powder until everything comes together and whisk it frothily and smoothly – taste testing as necessary and adding additional salt or spices as required.

Mix chopped pistachios, almonds, anjeer (an Indian sweet cheese), and some yellow/saffron color into your curd mixture before stirring in chopped dried fruits such as dates or figs for extra crunch and to add an unexpected twist of sweetness! Serve this delicious and nutritious drink in individual serving glasses garnished with more dried fruit or saffron strands as an after-meal snack or for an indulgent indulgence! This delectable and nutritious treat makes a delightful snack or beverage after indulging yourself in something kind and submitting yourself to something delicious like dinner!

Dry Fruits

Dry fruits are packed with essential minerals, vitamins, proteins, and fiber that make for a tasty addition to desserts and beverages alike. Incorporating them into your lassi is an easy way of increasing its filling power; feel free to experiment by including different varieties of dried fruit for an even greater variety.

Kesar Badam Pista Lassi is one of the summer specialties that’s easy and deliciously refreshing to prepare at home with homemade thick curd or plain yogurt, mixed dry fruits, and other kitchen staples. Not only can it serve as a fantastic thirst quencher, but it’s a tasty treat, too.

Lassi is a traditional Indian yogurt-based drink that can be enhanced with various fruits, herbs, and spices for flavoring. Served as an after-meal beverage to soothe spicy meals or as an antidote against summer heatwaves, lassi can come in both sweet and salty versions, sweet to satisfy most palettes, while its preparation can take only minutes in the blender!

Put milk, curd, and sugar in a blender and pulse it until everything is mixed well. If the curd is too thick, adjust it by adding water; otherwise, add ice cubes for chillier effects, or store it in your refrigerator and serve later!

Add a pinch of saffron for added flavor and an appealing yellow hue; however, this step is entirely optional, and you may prefer simpler lassis without it.

Pour the lassi into glasses and decorate it with chopped pistachios or almonds for garnish, and add saffron strands for an elegant display and royal-feel presentation. It is best served immediately after preparation; keeping it in the refrigerator can thicken it over time and may alter its flavor profile significantly – serving immediately is best!

Green Cardamom

Queen of Spices(r), oregano is both an aphrodisiac and natural digestive, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, as well as boasting delicate aromatic and flavor properties that bring freshness into any recipe. It blends beautifully with most other spices, providing an ideal partner to sweet or salty foods – it’s even used as the main component in Indian spice mixtures like garam masala; its use can also be found in most Indian desserts like ice cream. Likewise, it pairs nicely with cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves dishes during autumn-spiced dishes – you may even come across Scandinavian breads and desserts!

Cardamom is an aromatic plant with both seeds and pods, most popularly found in India. There are two primary varieties, green and black; black is more famous for its larger pods with more intense flavors, while green cardamom’s smaller seeds remain just as flavorful despite being slightly more costly; both versions retain their aroma much longer than their counterpart.

Cardamom is often used in tea, although its most famous application in India is in chai; you can also find it used in apple cider and eggnog beverages. When buying whole pods or ground powder form, husks must first be removed so as not to compromise their flavor; airtight storage containers are recommended.

Making this delicious lassi is straightforward, though time-consuming. First, start by creating thick curd made with homemade and chilled curd (you could also use store-bought yogurt); add powdered sugar (to your liking) as well as a pinch of saffron and 1/4 teaspoon of green cardamom (optional). Finally, combine all the ingredients in a blender until thoroughly mixed!


Saffron gives this lassi a rich color and distinct flavor, and it is dairy-free and vegan. To create it, all that’s required is yogurt (dahi), dry fruits, sugar and water or milk; homemade is best, although store bought plain vanilla yogurt also works excellent – homemade may have more nutrients! Using almond or soymilk could also work, with optional additions of agave nectar or honey for the sugar element if necessary.

Lassi is a traditional Indian yogurt-based drink, ranging in flavor and style. Common variations include using fruits, vegetables, and spices as ingredients to craft delicious drinks that can be served after spicy meals or as refreshing summer refreshments. Here is an easy lassi recipe you can whip up quickly while tasting incredible!

This delectable, unique summer beverage combines the coolness of yogurt with the richness of dry fruit to produce an irresistibly refreshing summer drink! Packed full of calcium, fiber, iron, and antioxidants – mango buttermilk, green cardamom, and saffron make this refreshing lassi the ideal pick-me-up beverage!

Traditional Mango Lassi is usually made with sweet and sour mangoes; however, unripe mangoes or other fruits may also be added. You also have the option of adding turmeric for its earthy flavors and yellow hue. This refreshing summer drink provides relief from heatwaves while satisfying sweet cravings!

To create this lassi, first start by blending mango and buttermilk in a blender until everything is mixed evenly. Add sugar and saffron steeped milk as well as mix in any additional flavors such as vanilla bean. Serve this immediately or chill it before refrigerating – as the lassi thickens over time in the refrigerator, you may require other milk or even ice cubes!