How Long Can a Dog Bark Legally?


According to state and city laws, dog owners may face fines for excessive barking by their pups, which may be particularly frustrating for neighbors disturbed by its noise.

However, there are ways to address the situation. If a dog’s persistent or intermittent barking is disturbing your neighbors, filing a formal complaint against it might help find an acceptable resolution.


If your neighbor’s dog barks excessively, filing a noise complaint may be your solution. Each state’s and city’s laws regarding barking noise vary; for example, in some places, dogs are only allowed to bark for up to 10 minutes continuously, while others limit them to 30 minutes intermittently. Before taking legal action, however, try solving the issue directly with them before resorting to legal recourse.

If the barking issue can’t be resolved between neighbors, consider consulting an animal law attorney who can advise and assist on your options and next steps. They may even help file a civil suit if it causes significant distress.

Louisiana local ordinances prohibit dogs from making themselves an inconvenience with excessive noise. Under general guidelines, dogs are prohibited from disturbing the peace in any given community; regulations vary by county. In Providence, for instance, it is forbidden for any dog to bark continuously for more than 10 minutes and intermittently for 30.

Idaho does not impose specific laws regarding how long a dog may bark; however, general state law prohibits any dog that makes itself inconvenient to residents, who may then file complaints against its owner(s).


Maine does not specify a set barking duration; laws vary across counties. It is illegal for dogs to disturb the peace in a community, and residents can file complaints with local animal control offices. York County allows dogs to bark continuously for 10 minutes or intermittently for up to 30 minutes at once or until 10 a.m. each morning or afternoon; authorities can seize repeat offenders after multiple barking violations are observed. Talking with dog owners may help alleviate excessive barking by offering solutions like providing enough exercise or puzzle toys to keep their pet busy while you’re not around or home while away from work or away from home.


Montana regulations specify that dogs cannot bark continuously for more than 10 minutes and intermittently for up to 30 minutes at any time. If the barking of your neighbor’s pet has reached intolerable proportions, consulting with an attorney who specializes in animal law could be worthwhile in exploring your options.

Oregon law dictates the length of time for continuous barking can differ by county and municipality; generally speaking, most counties restrict it to 10 minutes straight and 30 minutes intermittent barking time, with negligent owners facing fines up to $1,000 for violating these rules.

Colorado also has varying laws regarding barking duration laws for dogs. Some areas allow only 10-minute daytime and 5-minute barking sessions; elsewhere, they can continue uninterrupted for up to 30 minutes.

Utah may not have laws explicitly prohibiting excessive barking; however, its Health and Safety Code prohibits owners from owning disruptive pets. If your nuisance dog barks excessively, contact animal services or file a police complaint; additionally, you can encourage it by giving him new toys like puzzle toys and snuffle mats that might reduce barking behavior.

New Hampshire

An excessively barking dog can be a real annoyance to neighbors. Many states have laws in place to help address this problem; if trying to talk to your neighbor is ineffective, and the barking continues, filing a formal complaint against it with the local government might be your next option – online portals or calling the animal control authority are great ways to report such instances; be as detailed as possible to ensure quick action is taken upon.

Even though California does not impose specific rules limiting how long dogs can bark, most counties have stringent noise nuisance laws prohibiting excessive barking by dogs. For instance, Providence has an ordinance forbidding dogs from barking at such loud levels that it disturbs nearby residents’ peace. West Valley City requires that any pet not produce barking noises that “unreasonably disrupt the peace” within an area.

Oregon barking limits vary by county, with most places prohibiting continuous barking at 10-minute or 30-minute intervals for at least ten minutes or intermittent barking at 30 minutes. Tulsa follows similar laws, and in Oklahoma, it’s illegal to keep a dog that disrupts community peace – residents may lodge complaints at Oklahoma City Animal Shelter against its owner.

If your neighbor’s pet is creating an outright noise nuisance, file a noise complaint as soon as possible with the relevant authorities. Most authorities will send them a warning letter or visit to investigate; if the barking continues, they may fine them for breaking regulations. You can consult an animal law specialist regarding potential options if that fails to resolve things.

New Jersey

No matter where you reside, excessive barking can be an extreme nuisance. Luckily, most states allow dogs to bark for 10-30 minutes before having to stop. Suppose a neighboring dog continues its excessive barking for too long. In that case, you can file a noise complaint with local law enforcement authorities, but be mindful of state, city, and county ordinances before doing so.

New Jersey does not impose an official limit for legal barking duration, although a nuisance law prohibits owners of noisy animals from keeping them. Furthermore, New Jersey offers a noise abatement program that fines pet owners who receive multiple complaints against their animals.

Colorado dog laws vary from county to county regarding how long a pet may legally bark. Some cities, such as Tulsa, limit barking to 10 minutes. Owners who allow their pet(s) to disturb the peace can be fined, while general laws forbid dogs from becoming public nuisances.

Rhode Island allows barking for 15 minutes during the day in Woonsocket and 30 minutes intermittently; any continuous or prolonged barking in Providence would constitute an act that disturbs peace.

Oregon law differs depending on your municipality. In Portland, dogs may bark up to 20 minutes during the day and 5 minutes at night; in Multnomah County, however, ten continuous minutes and 30 intermittent ones are legal.