Here Are 8 Tips to Improve Your Facebook Profile


You should be proud of yourself if you’re already using Facebook. You’ve made significant progress thus far in establishing your web enterprise. What are you waiting for if you haven’t joined Facebook yet?

People who have never used the internet or participated in a social networking site are flocking to Facebook in increasing numbers. Some people are looking for a link to the past, while others are searching for a link to the future. Whether you’re using Facebook to create a business or reconnect with old friends from elementary and high school, you want to present the most significant “face” possible to the world.

If you’re new to Facebook and don’t know where to start, consider the following eight suggestions. These are excellent jumping-off points.

Important First Step: Find an Accurate Picture

Facebook lets you post unlimited photos, but you can only have one profile image, so choose wisely. Some potential followers (professional or otherwise) may see your profile picture, so it’s essential to have one you feel confident showing off. No matter how strict your privacy settings are, you shouldn’t post a photo from the wild party you just attended as your profile image because everyone can still see it.

Principle No. 2: Be generous with your sharing.

Include details like “Favorite Music” while creating your profile. Including a list of your preferred bands in your profile’s “Favorite Music” area will provide some insight into your personality. Avoid being the kind to claim, “I like pretty much everything.” BORING!

You’re on Facebook to present yourself to the world; therefore, it’s essential to be as detailed as possible when describing your musical tastes. Copying the results of sorting your iTunes library by “Play Count” or “Last Played” is a common strategy. Your Recommended Reading and Viewing lists can also benefit from these guidelines.

While expressing your taste in music, films, and books might not land you a job, it just might help you connect with someone who shares your interests, and the potential for that is limitless.

The third piece of advice: more is better.

Those of us who came of age before Facebook know how awkward it can be to message classmates and ask, “Will you be my friend?”

Well, get over that because the networking won’t begin until you have a sizable group of people who already know and like you. After signing up for a group, you’ll have the chance to meet new people and expand your network. There is a higher possibility that someone you know in elementary school will contact you because they need your business’s services.

Fourthly, please make a note of it and post it.

Even though most of us got in trouble for writing on the walls when we were kids, scribbling on Facebook walls is necessary and considered polite. One of the most convenient and effective ways to communicate your message is by updating your Facebook wall.

Considering that anyone can view your wall posts, acting appropriately is essential.

Never reveal private information (such as a new contact number or email address).
Don’t put your emotional turmoil (with a partner, parent, etc.) in writing.
Don’t regale me with tales of your crazy weekend vacations (the kind where you can’t remember a thing, but there are photos you’d prefer not to see).
Keep your online diaries light and entertaining, and save the heavy stuff for private correspondence.
Fifth Suggestion: Make the links

Whether for professional or personal reasons, linking your blog or Twitter account to your Facebook profile is wise. Several Facebook applications facilitate this by bringing relevant information from elsewhere on the Internet to your page.

You can save time and effort by having an application automatically share your most recent blog entries to Facebook as they go live on your site or blog. In a sense, the whole point of social networking is to keep your friends returning to your page with new updates.

Visit to download the Blog It App and start posting to Facebook from your blog.
Visit to learn how to integrate your Twitter feed into your Facebook page.

Tip No. 6: Get Connected

What exactly is a network, and why is it important? A grid can comprise people from all walks of life and all parts of the world. Almost anything can be a network.

You can control your site’s level of anonymity by adding a network. Your profile’s visibility across networks can be customized after you’ve selected which networks to join. For instance, you can restrict access to just those in your city or grant everyone in your firm complete access.

Seventh Piece of Advice: Stay ahead of “Facebook Overwhelm.”

Despite your newfound ability to communicate with anyone or anything, don’t forget to show up for work each day. Enjoying social networking is fine, but remember: moderation is key. Do not let your inbox fill with hundreds of Facebook updates without adjusting your email notification settings.

When you search “Account” and “Notifications” to configure your email alerts, Facebook will show you a long list of upcoming events. If you don’t want to be notified of new email messages, select “Off” from the radio menu.

However, if you’ve caught “Facebook Fever,” you can activate your mobile device and access constant updates by clicking the “Mobile” link. Then, your cell phone will start pinging with requests to be friends, texts, and status updates.

Tip #8: Keep an eye out

Scammers can be found on Facebook and other social networking sites. These typically take the shape of unwanted electronic mail or random wall posts. Avoid potential danger by ignoring Facebook messages from people you don’t know that contain links, files, or attachments. You should also use caution while clicking on links placed on your wall.

Please get in touch with me if you still need help after reading these eight suggestions.

Website designer Krista Garren puts out a monthly ezine called “Design Like an Expert,” in which readers can pick up simple, entertaining, and cost-effective tips for creating a website that can boost their business. Check out her ezine and get a free copy of her report if you’re interested in learning more:

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