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Easy Way to Lower Body Fat

The extra fat on your body is unsightly and should be eliminated if you care about your appearance. You should try to get that percentage of fat down. This is the primary motivation for many people to lower their caloric intake…

Recipes for Weight Loss Healthiness

Are you interested in losing weight using healthy meals but don't want to stick to a regimented eating plan for a long time? Do you wish you felt better in your skin but secretly despise diets? Then you're probably looking for a simple…

The Meaning of Yoga Asana

Many of us probably aren't even doing yoga, regardless of the yoga school or style we claim to follow. Instead, we tend to concentrate on only one of yoga's eight limbs—yoga asana—and ignore the others. Hatha Yoga is credited with…

How To Get Started Jogging

In this piece, I will share my own insights on getting started in jogging. Which, I'm hoping, may inspire some of you to really get out there and start running, if you've been contemplating it but have been too nervous to actually do it.…

Confessions of an Atkins Diet Addict

Review of the Atkins Diet, Made Famous by the Late Dr. Robert C. Atkins Restricts simple sugars and white flour to dangerous levels. opens the door to a wide variety of supplemental foods, including meat Low-calorie and fat restriction…